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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

ferguson blues

have become the norm
in the midst
of a storm
that can no longer
be kept quiet. 
body counts rise, 
while lady liberty 
closes her eyes. 
heart wrenching cries 
from mothers 
burying children too soon, 
as hecklers loom 
and the reaper swoons. 
"education is the key," 
society screams, 
as obviously being black 
makes one 
an uneducated goon. 
double standards 
are tossed about like candy, 
while the humanity 
and clarity 
are lost in translation, 
regurgitated as bile 
flung upon a garbage pile. 
...while in the middle, 
innocence sheds tears 
which crystallize 
on hearts made of stone... 
is nothing more 
than an excuse to execute, 
where are the black cats 
who wore berets 
back in the day? 
zoot suit wearing zombie, 
with slicked back hair, 
showing up everywhere 
where is thou faith?! 
once in the cross hairs, 
the media is there, 
dirty laundry is aired, 
sensationalism is their only care... 
and that's what dead niggers bring. 
sit in church and sing 
because freedom 
won't ring 
from the mountain tops. 
while blood flows, 
insensitivity grows 
making black skin 
a sin... 
and willie lynch 
will prevail again. 

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